would be unfair though all the pures will get killed by the tanks so it should be like boxing.
Pures from lvl 3 = 50 or 60
lvl 50 or 60 = 80 or 90
90 = 120 or if ur below u can still come and watch read the rulez part to find out more
Super Heavyweight
120 +
1) no Teaming
2) NO LOOTING!!!!!!!!!!!
3) ONCE UR DEAD u can only come back to collect ur stuff and then u must bank and come bank back with no armor or wepz and then u can stay and watch
5) The featherweight winner gets a fury karils c bow
the cruiserweight gets a fury and karils c bow and bgs
heavyweight gets fury karils cbow and bgs and maybe a rare
Superheavyweight fury karils cbow bgs dharoks axe full drag maybe a rare
Tell mods about this and maybe when server comes back online this might happen. This was x diablo x's idea but i made this tournament list thing up this post in purely original but it is diablos idea